Does Islam Consider Particular Time and day For nail Cutting?
One of the most fundamental hygiene routines we follow is nail trimming. Maintaining clean, appealing hands and feet is crucial. Islam also advises us to trim our nails, although there are some restrictions and requirements.
Is it, nevertheless, forbidden to trim nails at night? I know that nail cutting is a daytime activity, but is it forbidden to perform it at night for any reason if you can’t do it during the day?
This article will address the prohibition against nail-cutting at night in Islam and provide an explanation. Let’s see, then.
Is It Haram To Cut Nails At Night?
Nail trimming at night is not prohibited by Islam. Regarding the appropriate time to clip nails, Islam has no restrictions. Whether during the day or at night, you are free to do it anytime you like.
Islam solely advocates maintaining a respectable appearance. This means that you should trim your nails as soon as they begin to look messy.
Only during the Hajj or Umrah is nail-cutting prohibited. Other than that, you are free to cut nails whenever you like.
However, it is preferable to trim nails on Friday morning, according to Islamic traditions. But if for some reason you can’t, you can still do it at night. Friday morning nail-cutting has many advantages.
The Prophet Muhammad S A W (peace be upon him) said: “cleanliness is half of faith.” (Sahih al-Bukhari)
We can see from this that Islam places a high value on personal hygiene. Additionally, one technique to preserve personal cleanliness is to trim your nails.
Why You Can Cut Your Nails At Night?
If someone says, it’s haram to cut nails at night, here is the reason why it’s allowed.
First of all, Islam does not have a set period for nail clipping. There is no issue as long as you do it for cleaning and hygiene.
Second, Islam tells us to always maintain our cleanliness and appearance. Therefore, we must trim our nails as soon as they begin to seem messy.
Third, there is no explicit or implicit Hadith or verse from the Qur’an that specifies it is forbidden to trim nails at night.
Fourth, there is no danger in doing one’s nails at night. There is no justification for it to be prohibited.
Last but not least, Hajj and Umrah are the only times when clipping nails is prohibited. Even hair trimming is currently prohibited. So there is no justification to believe that doing your nails at night is forbidden.
Benefits Of Cutting Your Nails Early On Friday
Although there is no set rule to abide by, there are several advantages to doing your nails on Friday morning.
we all know, Islam advises us to always keep ourselves tidy and presentable. Therefore, we must trim our nails as soon as they begin to seem messy.
The ideal day to carry out good deeds is thought to be Friday. It is advised to get your nails clipped on Friday morning because of this. It offers greater benefits. Haircuts on Friday morning are also regarded as Sunnah.
Friday nail-cutting is another reminder of the value of cleanliness. Not only should we take care of our outward appearance, but also our hearts and souls.
Prayers for Jummuah are held on Friday. We should make sure we are tidy and attractive before attending the Jummuah. That involves having a bath, getting our hair and nails cut, etc.
Every Friday, the Prophet would shave, trim his hair, and take an ablution. He declared: “Whoever on Friday takes a bath like the bath taken for purification, wears his nicest clothes, uses perfume, if he can afford it, and proceeds (for the Jummah prayer) early, it is as if he has sacrificed a camel.
Anyone who arrives late for the Jummah prayer is equivalent to a cow sacrifice. And whoever goes (for the prayer) at the Imam’s hour is like one who has offered a hen as a sacrifice. A reward comparable to freeing sixty slaves will be given to the person who offers the two cool prayers on Friday.
These are the advantages of having your nails done on Friday morning. Although there isn’t a set guideline to abide by, it is nonetheless advised.
Is It Haram To Trim Nails At Night?
We can conclude by saying that clipping nails at night is safe. Islam advises us to always maintain our cleanliness and appearance. Therefore, we must trim our nails as soon as they begin to seem messy.
However, it is preferable to trim nails on Friday morning, according to Islamic traditions. But if for some reason you can’t, you can still do it at night. Friday morning nail-cutting has many advantages. On any other day, though, it’s equally acceptable to trim nails at night.
Islam is a peaceful and orderly faith. Furthermore, Islam places a high value on personal hygiene. Therefore, we should just adhere to Islamic precepts and trim our nails as necessary.
There’s no condition to trimming nails whether at Night or day time. Allah knows best.
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