Alh Kasimu Ibrahim Jambil Passed Away Short Biography
Alhaji Kasimu Ibrahim Jambil was born on 11/03/1968 and Died 11/03/2022 he came from the family of Ibrahim Salisu Jambil a cattle rearer from Jambil Village.
Before the demise of Alh Kasimu, he worked as Deputy Treasurer, Finance Department Tafawa Balewa L.G. He was a Deputy Chairman (Caretaker 2008).
He works in Various Local Governments which include:
1. Warji L.G.A 2015-2019
2. Bogoro L.G.A 2019-2021
3. Itas-Gadau L.G.A Jan, 2022-March 3rd 2022.
4. Itas-Gadau- Kirfi March 4th to Date.
He survived with Two (2) Wifes, Fourteen Children (15), and One (1) grandchild.

Say a prayer to him.