BREAKING: Alh Kasimu Ibrahim Jambil Passed Away | Read Short Biography

Alh Kasimu Ibrahim Jambil Passed Away Short Biography

Alhaji Kasimu Ibrahim Jambil was born on 11/03/1968 and Died 11/03/2022 he came from the family of Ibrahim Salisu Jambil a cattle rearer from Jambil Village.
Before the demise of Alh Kasimu, he worked as Deputy Treasurer, Finance Department Tafawa Balewa L.G. He was a Deputy Chairman (Caretaker 2008).
He works in Various Local Governments which include:
1. Warji L.G.A 2015-2019
2. Bogoro L.G.A 2019-2021
3. Itas-Gadau L.G.A Jan, 2022-March 3rd 2022.
4. Itas-Gadau- Kirfi March 4th to Date.
He survived with Two (2) Wifes, Fourteen Children (15), and One (1) grandchild.
Alh Kasimu Ibrahim Jambil Passed Away Short Biography
Alh Kasimu Ibrahim Jambil Passed Away Short Biography
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