On Achraf Hakimi – My Professional View
I know a lot of articles will go out on the case of Hakimi and his strategy of keeping his wealth. While many may frown at it because it violates their moral codes and their world view of marriage others have been hailing him for his wisdom.
The goal of this is not to stand for or against but to stretch our minds a bit and bring a bit of context into the matter so that we can better appreciate what could have gone happened and led to such a decision and why it may not be a norm for others who are not in that clime.
1. For starters Hakimi is from Morocco which is a combination of Africa and Arab depending on who you are talking to. Naturally that is a country rooted in Islamic culture which means his orientation must have been shaped by what the Holy Book says as well as the culture of the village he grew. Now hold this information on your right hand
2. His wife is a spanish model(even though she had a Libyan and Tunisian background but identified more as spanish) and you can almost understand what may have happened. There was bound to be culture clash in there as well as legal differences.
He got into a cross cultural marriage and for such marriages you must understand the rules of engagement or else you are in for a shocker. Spain is regarded as a developed country and for every developed country the rules protect their women a lot. I am sure it is not lost on him that the wife of the Amazon boss Jeff Bezos became one of the wealthiest women in the world after her divorce settlement.
3. He is in a career with a life span and he has seen Eboue and co – As a footballer your career has a life-span and several footballers in times past have lost their earnings to a bad marriage or to bad financial decisions.
As a 24 year old footballer i am sure he is looking at Messi and Ronaldo and wondering why they opted for partnerships as against something binding on their wealth. This is why many sign prenup in that clime. So he must have taken certain lessons and creatively come up with his own strategy.
4. Hakimi plays for PSG and most likely lives in France a country with strong legal system so knowing what could happen to him could have informed that action and let’s not forget that the star defender had earlier been accused of molesting a woman he invited to his matrimonial home when his wife and the family were in Dubai.
So could knowing his own weakness have led him to protecting himself so that in case he is found guilty nothing can be extracted from him?
Am i a fan of what he has done?
I don’t have all the details of the story but i would love to know what could have been responsible for the divorce to better analyze what may have gone wrong?
Is it fair on the woman?
I don’t totally think so considering the fact that they have been married for 3 years with 2 boys so i think she must have been emotionally invested in the relationship. I am sure the kids won’t have problems.
The face of marriage has changed globally especially for celebs and influencers since they are no longer sure of who truly love them and there has been precedence over the years where the earnings are the target and not love.
So depending on the side of the divide you belong. It may be considered smart on his part while the woman may be called a gold digger but what if she truly loves him and only wanted a divorce as a result of some other issues we are not privy to?
I don’t have the whole details and the entire matter is not also straight but the future is becoming broader and marriage as we have always known it is taking a new shape and a new face.
Could it now be ‘Just love me and my body alone and not my earnings and my property? “The move is very smart until the lady is our family member and we are privy to what she has invested that can’t be quantified in monetary terms” Praise Fawowe
By Aliyu kulho