Hukumar Custom Takasa tasaki sunayen wanda suka yi Nasarar Samun Aikin Custom
A yau litinin neh hukumar Custom na qasa ta saki sunayen wadanda suka samu dacewar samun aikin.
Ita hukumar ta shawarci masu neman dasu Ringa Duba email address nasu kuma su kasance da cikakkiyar tabbacin tafiyar watanni 6 zuwa Camp don horo mai zurfi.
Ana kuma shawarci masu neman izini da su kiyaye saƙon imel ɗin su don taya murna daga Hukumar Kwastam ta Najeriya (NCS), wacce za ta fara daga yanzu.
ƙwararrun ƴan takara ne kawai aka zaɓa don horon, don haka idan ba ku ga sunan ku a cikin jerin sunayen ƴan takara na ƙarshe ba, to ku jira ɗaukar ma’aikata na gaba, wanda zai faru kowane lokaci daga yanzu.
Ga wasu screen shots ⇓
Ka Karanta Da Turanci A Qasa ⇓
The Customs Authority has announced the names of the qualified applicants
Candidates are advised to check their email address and have full confirmation of the 6 month trip to the Camp for intensive training.
Applicants are also advised to keep checking their e-mails for the congratulations message from the Nigerian Customs Service (NCS), which will commence from now.
Only qualified candidates are selected for the training, so if you do not see your name in the final list of candidates, then wait for the next recruitment, which will happen anytime from now.
Reported by: Engr Zaharaddeen
Edited & Published by Jamil MNE