How To Use, Benefits, And Side Effects Of Garlic
A member of the Allium (onion) family, garlic is a plant. It shares a family tree with shallots, onions, and leeks.
A clove is one of the names for each part of a garlic bulb. Depending on how you count, a single bulb contains 10–20 cloves.
Due to its powerful aroma and mouthwatering flavor, garlic is a widely used cooking ingredient and grows in many regions of the world.
However, because of the health and medical benefits of garlic, people have used it extensively throughout history. Numerous significant civilizations, including the Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Chinese, and Indians, are known to have used it.
Scientists now understand that when you chew, crush, or cut garlic clove, sulfur compounds are created that are mostly responsible for the health advantages of garlic.
Allicin is conceivably the most well-known chemical. Allicin, however, is an unstable substance that is only momentarily present in fresh garlic after it has been sliced or crushed.
Diallyl disulfide and s-allyl cysteine are two additional substances that might contribute to the health advantages of garlic.
Garlic contains sulfur chemicals that enter your body through your digestive tract. After that, they spread throughout your body and have a significant biological impact.
Garlic is quite nutrient-dense when compared to other foods.
Approximately 3 grams of one clove have 4.5 calories.1 gram of carbohydrates, 0.2 grams of protein, and a dependable source.
A good source of various nutrients is garlic. It carries Manganese, Vitamin B6, Vitamin C, Fiber and Selenium.
Health benefits of Garlic
1. Aged garlic extract (AGE), according to research from 2016, may strengthen your immune system.
According to the study, those who took AGE supplements for three months throughout the cold and flu season had milder symptoms and missed fewer days of work or school.
According to additional studies, the chemicals in garlic might have antiviral capabilities. Reliable Source. In addition to strengthening your immune system, it might also help stop viruses from infecting or reproducing in host cells.
2. Cardiovascular conditions including heart attacks and stroke cause more fatalities than practically any other illness, according to the World Health OrganizationTrusted Source.
One of the main variables that might cause these diseases is high blood pressure, sometimes known as hypertension.
Studies from a 2020 meta-analysisSupplements containing garlic have been found by a dependable source to lower blood pressure in those with high blood pressure. The risk of having cardiovascular events was found to be lowered by 16–40% as a result of this effect.
Garlic had a similar effect to some blood pressure drugs, according to the review, but with fewer side effects.
Review of 2019 Angiotensin II, a hormone that raises blood pressure, may be produced less frequently due to allicin, according to a report from Trusted Source. Additionally, it could loosen up your blood vessels to let more blood flow easily.
3. Research from 2018 reviewed Garlic may help reduce total and LDL (bad) cholesterol, according to a reliable source. The authors advise persons with high cholesterol to consume more garlic, but they also note that further study is required to confirm their findings.
A 2016 study found that consuming garlic supplements for more than two months could lower LDL cholesterol by up to 10%. This impact was seen by researchers in persons with mildly elevated cholesterol levels.
On the other hand, triglyceride levels, another risk factor for heart disease, do not appear to be affected by garlic in the same way.
Additionally, studies indicate that garlic has little impact on HDL (good) cholesterol.
4. Free radical oxidative damage contributes to aging and the ensuing cognitive impairment.
Antioxidants found in garlic boost your body’s defenses against oxidative damage. The most prevalent form of dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, may be considerably reduced by research findings on these antioxidants, which may also lessen your risk of developing associated disorders like these.
animal researchAllicin, a compound found in garlic, may also aid in preventing cognitive deterioration, according to a reliable source. We need more human studies before we can completely grasp its potential.
Some research supplements have been shown by Trusted Source to immediately aid those who have Alzheimer’s disease.
5. It is practically impossible to demonstrate how garlic might affect longevity in people.
However, it makes it plausible that garlic could lengthen your life given its positive impact on significant risk factors like blood pressure.
In a Chinese study from 2019 According to a Reliable Source, elderly folks who ate garlic at least once a week lived longer than those who ate it less frequently.
It is also significant that it can aid in the defense against infectious infections. These conditions frequently result in mortality, especially in older people.
6. Garlic’s sulfur components have been demonstrated to offer protection against organ toxicity caused by heavy metals at large concentrations.
Garlic allicin can assist in lowering lead levels in your blood and important organs.
Garlic decreased blood levels of lead by 19%, according to a 2012 study involving workers at a car battery facility who had received excessive lead exposure Source. Additionally, it lessened a number of clinical toxicity symptoms, such as headaches and elevated blood pressure.
Garlic was even more effective at easing symptoms than D-penicillamine when taken three times daily.
6. Garlic’s sulfur components have been demonstrated to offer protection against organ toxicity caused by heavy metals at large concentrations.
Garlic allicin can assist in lowering lead levels in your blood and important organs.
Garlic decreased blood levels of lead by 19%, according to a 2012 study involving workers at a car battery facility who had received excessive lead exposure Source. Additionally, it lessened a number of clinical toxicity symptoms, such as headaches and elevated blood pressure.
Garlic was even more effective at easing symptoms than D-penicillamine when taken three times daily.
7. A few recent studies examined the impact of garlic on bone health, particularly in postmenopausal women.
the outcomes of a clinical studyGarlic can lessen the oxidative stress that causes osteoporosis, according to a 2017 Trusted Source study. The subjects consumed two grams of fresh garlic each day in the form of garlic pills.
In a 2018 study, people with knee osteoarthritis who were obese or overweight and took supplements containing 1 gram of garlic daily for 12 weeks reported less discomfort.
How To Use Garlic
It’s fairly simple to incorporate garlic into your current diet. It goes well with the majority of savory foods, especially soups and sauces. Additionally, the strong flavor of garlic can give dull dishes some flavor.
There are many different varieties of garlic, including whole cloves, smooth pastes, powders, and dietary supplements like garlic extract and garlic oil.
Using a garlic press to crush a few fresh garlic cloves, and then combining them with extra virgin olive oil, salt, and pepper, is a typical method of using garlic. This serves as a very straightforward and wholesome salad dressing.
Raw Garlic: On an empty stomach, eating raw garlic can help reduce cholesterol and improve heart health. Dr. Prasad notes that the raw garlic ingredient allicin is known for its ability to decrease cholesterol and thin the blood. Simply consume a few raw garlic cloves with a glass of water in the morning to get these advantages.
The best method to consume garlic, according to Dr. Prasad, is to eat it raw and on an empty stomach because cooking dilutes the allicin content. Therefore, the best strategy to support heart health and manage diabetes while keeping the most nutrition is to consume raw garlic with a glass of water. Garlic breath can be controlled by consuming it with lemon, apple cider vinegar, or hot water.
Garlic tea: For those who prefer a milder flavor but still want to reap the advantages of garlic, garlic tea is a fantastic choice. Crush a clove of garlic and add it to a cup of water to make garlic tea. Add 1-2 tablespoons of cinnamon after bringing the tea to a boil for a few minutes.
Before turning off the heat, give the mixture a few minutes to steep. Add half a teaspoon of lemon juice and a teaspoon of honey to finish. You may stay healthy by drinking this tasty and immune-stimulating cup of garlic tea in the morning.
Garlic and honey: Another efficient strategy to include garlic in your daily routine is to combine it with honey. Three to four bits of minced garlic should be placed on a spoon. A few drops of honey should be added to the spoon, and it should be left alone for a while.
Next, gently chew the garlic before swallowing it. You can drink a few sips of warm water alongside it if the flavor is too overpowering. As an alternative, you might make a concoction by mixing 10 sliced garlic cloves with 5 tablespoons of honey. Dr. Prasad advises taking a spoonful of this mixture every day on an empty stomach to reduce the symptoms of acid reflux and regurgitation.
Roasted garlic: Garlic’s health benefits are preserved while gaining a mellow, slightly sweet flavor by roasting. Remove the top of a garlic bulb to reveal the cloves before roasting. The bulb should be covered in aluminum foil and drizzled with olive oil.
For 30-35 minutes, roast it at 400°F (200°C), or until the cloves are tender and golden. Roasted garlic cloves can be removed from their skins after cooling and spread over bread or used for sauces and dips. While giving its numerous health benefits, roasted garlic gives your foods a delightful depth of taste.
Garlic In Cooking: Including garlic in your regular meals is one of the simplest methods to include it in your daily diet. A wide range of foods, including vegetables, curries, dals, soups, and stir-fries, go well with garlic.
To give your foods an aromatic flavor, finely cut or smash the garlic cloves and sauté them in a little oil before adding other ingredients. You should add minced raw garlic to your cooked foods right before serving if you want to maximize the health advantages of allicin, which can be diminished by cooking.
Garlic Oil: Another practical method to take use of the advantages of garlic is garlic oil. Cooking with garlic-infused oil is possible, as are salad dressings and tasty drizzles over roasted veggies or toast. To produce garlic oil, peel and smash several garlic cloves, then put them in a saucepan with a cup of premium cooking oil, like avocado oil or olive oil.
For about 10 minutes, slowly warm the mixture over low heat, watching out that the garlic doesn’t burn. Take it off the stove and let it cool. Transfer the oil to a fresh, airtight bottle after straining it to get rid of the chunks of garlic.
Use the garlic oil to add flavor and aroma to your culinary creations by storing it in the refrigerator for up to two weeks.
Side effects of garlic
The visuals below is the Side Effects Of Garlic and Reasons Why You Should Not Eat It Watch:
higher chance of bleeding
An increased risk of bleeding is one of the most dangerous adverse effects of eating too much garlic, especially if you’re on blood thinners or getting surgery.
This is due to the fact that garlic possesses antithrombotic qualities, which may help to prevent the formation of blood clots.
Despite the rarity of garlic-induced bleeding, one report described a case in which a person’s bleeding increased after consistently consuming 12 grams (or around 4 cloves) of garlic per day prior to surgery.
Another case study had a patient who had severe bruising and discoloration following surgery. The person may have been taking a nutritional supplement that includes fish oil and 10 mg of garlic concentrate, both of which have an impact on blood clot development.
licorice breath
Many different sulfur compounds found in garlic are thought to be responsible for its numerous health advantages.
However, when consumed in high quantities, these substances may result in unpleasant breath. As boiling reduces the quantity of these healthy sulfur compounds, this is particularly true for raw garlic.
Nevertheless, you can attempt a number of home cures to eliminate garlic breath.
digestive problems
Similar to onions, leeks, and asparagus, garlic has a lot of fructans, a type of carb that some people may find causes bloating, gas, and stomach pain.
In actuality, if a person has a fructan intolerance, they won’t be able to fully absorb a high fructan food in the small intestine. Instead, it remains undamaged while it passes through the gut and undergoes fermentation before entering the colon, which may cause digestive problems.
As a result, it’s common advice to limit garlic consumption for those on a low-FODMAP diet, an elimination diet meant to pinpoint particular foods that cause digestive problems.
You may want to think about reducing your intake of garlic if you have gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).
Heartburn and nausea are common symptoms of GERD, a disorder that develops when stomach acid leaks back into the esophagus.
Lower esophageal sphincter (LES) tone, or the capacity of the muscles at the bottom of your esophagus to seal and stop acid from entering, may be decreased by garlic. This could then result in acid reflux.
However, different meals have varying effects on patients with GERD. It’s probably not required to restrict your consumption if you discover that consuming a lot of garlic doesn’t result in symptoms.