How to reset IUI of JED prepaid meter
JED Prepaid Meter
JED PLC is an indigenous electricity Company, incorporated in Nigeria to carry out the business of electricity distribution and retail sale in Nigeria.
You Having issues recharging your meter? It shows reject after all efforts made to recharge it??
Kindly follow the steps to reconfigure your meter to be able to add up units in your homes.
Labaranyau correspondent gathered that the Jos disco on Facebook had made a post about the changes in meter reconfiguration.
In a statement issued by the Jos Disco signed by Dr. Friday Adakole Elijah, stated it successful upgrade of its prepaid system.
JED prepaid meters and vending system, which also complies the token identifier rollover event to guarantee the security of the meters.
The new system is more secure and robust than the older system.
Customers can get their Key Change Tokens(KCTs) for free online at kct.jedplc.com
Enter the website kct.jedplc.com on your browser, enter your meter number and wait for the configuration codes.
Two configuration codes will appear, insert the first code and wait for the machine to load and ask for the second code.
It will show OK, which means the machine is configured and ready to recharge electric units on the meter.
How to activate prepaid meter
- Ensure the meter is properly paired.
- Use a very strong dry cell battery in your UIU.
- Ensure your change over switch is on utility supply.
- Use socket with the least number of joints e.g cooker socket.
- Report to the nearest JED Plc office.
How To Register Your Meter Number
To register a meter, visit an Eskom office with the ID number of the person in whose name the meter is to be registered, the pole number of the pole feeding their home and if possible, the meter number of an immediate neighbour whose meter is registered on the system. Meter and how long does it take.