
Monica Kivuti Biography, Age, Early Life, Education, Career, Tragic Incident, Medical Battle, Passing, Aftermath, Reactions, Personal Life, Husband, Family, Children, Impacts, Legacy, Net Worth, Social Media, Instagram, Twitter

Biography Of Monica Kivuti

Monica Kivuti Biography

Makadara Principal Magistrate Monica Kivuti was one of the revered members of the Kenyan legal society, and her passing has left many in sadness.

Her tragically premature death has left a gap in the courts, and her story is one of tragedy and determination.

Monica Kivuti Biography
Monica Kivuti Biography

Monica Kivuti’s Early Life and Career Highlight

Monica Kivuti made the quest for justice her life’s work. Although her early life history, including her age, is not known to the public, it is clear that she had a diligent career in the judiciary and a strong devotion to upholding the law.

While serving at the Makadara Law Courts, Magistrate Kivuti handled a large number of cases with professionalism and morality.

Her contemporaries and the public respected her because of her reputation for equitable and fair verdicts.

Monica Kivuti The Tragic Incident

A sad occurrence occurred at the Makadara Law Courts on Thursday. When Magistrate Kivuti was shot, she had just finished rendering a decision in a case involving a senior police officer’s wife.

The concerned official, Chief Inspector Samson Kipchirchir Kipruto, oversaw a police station located in Londiani, Kisumu. Jennifer Wairimu, Kipruto’s wife, was charged with collecting Sh2.9 million through deceitful means.

Wairimu had previously fled court sessions, claiming illness, but Magistrate Kivuti had rejected her request for release on cash bail.

Her bail was revoked and she was placed under detention at Lang’ata Women’s Prison on Thursday after an arrest warrant was issued.

Kipruto was furious about this judgment and shot the magistrate, inflicting mortal injuries.

Monica Kivuti Biography
Monica Kivuti Biography

Monica Kivuti Medical Battle and Passing

After being taken to Nairobi Hospital from Metropolitan Hospital, Magistrate Kivuti eventually passed away at 11 p.m. from her wounds.

The bullets caused major ruptures in her colon and liver, according to hospital sources. She was not able to be revived even after a desperate plea for blood donations to save her life.

Monica Kivuti Aftermath and Reactions

Numerous people are upset about the occurrence and are calling for increased security for judicial authorities.

In addition to Chief Registrar Winfridah Mokaya’s assurance that steps will be taken to enhance the courts’ infrastructure and security, the Judiciary has started providing psycho-social counseling to judicial officers and staff at Makadara Law Courts.

Monica Kivuti, a magistrate in Makadara, passed away

Monica Kivuti, the Principal Magistrate of Makadara, has gone away. She passed away on Thursday due to gunshot wounds sustained in an incident involving a Senior Police officer.

Her death was verified to the Star on Friday by an anonymous family source and her coworkers.

Kivuti passed away in Nairobi Hospital, where she was sent following the event. According to a hospital source, she died about 11 p.m.

The source claimed that bullets had perforated her gut and liver.

Her body has been relocated to Lee Funeral Home, according to her family.

Magistrate Kivuti sustained gunshot wounds to his chest and leg.

After being sent to Nairobi Hospital after being taken to Metropolitan Hospital, she passed away there.

An urgent need for blood donations was made on Friday in an attempt to preserve her life.

“Please donate blood immediately. The Law Society of Kenya’s (LSK) male representative at the Judicial Service Commission, Omwanza Ombati, declared, “This is to kindly request blood donation for Hon. Monica Kivuti (JSC).”

At Makadara Law Court on Thursday afternoon, Kivuti was shot after issuing a decision in a case involving the wife of a police officer.

It was announced by the judiciary that the magistrate had “canceled the bond for an accused person who had jumped bond and failed to offer satisfactory explanations for doing so.”

The judiciary’s statement stated, “Someone shot the magistrate immediately after this decision, injuring her on the hip.”

The magistrate was shot by the gunman, Chief Inspector Samson Kipchirchir Kipruto, who was in charge of a police station in Londiani, Kisumu. The magistrate was hurt in the incident.

Quick action was taken by other court officers, one of whom shot and killed Kipruto.

A police report states that the exchange resulted in the injuries of three additional cops.

Kipruto had come from his Londiani station to attend a court hearing about his ailing 48-year-old wife, Jennifer Wairimu, who was charged with obtaining Sh2.9 million through deceitful means.

Wairimu had absconded from court sessions, claiming illness, but the magistrate rejected her request for release on monetary bail.

There was an arrest warrant out for her.

Her bail was revoked and she was placed in remand at Lang’ata Women’s Prison by the magistrate when she showed up on Thursday, June 13.

Kipruto was enraged by this and broke through the magistrate’s door to enter the court. He then fired rounds, striking Kivuti in the left hip and chest.

His fellow presenters retaliated, instantly murdering him.

On Friday, court proceedings were halted in the wake of the shooting.

The Makadara Law Courts’ judicial officers and employees are now receiving psycho-social counseling and support from the judiciary.

At a meeting with judicial officers on Friday at the Supreme Court Building, Chief Registrar Winfridah Mokaya was given counseling by a group of psychologists headed by Dr. Rose Ngondi from Chiromo Hospital.

According to Mokaya, the incident traumatized the judiciary as a whole.

At the Makadara Law Courts, Chief Magistrate Tito Gesora and other magistrates asked for better infrastructure and increased security for court personnel.

Mokaya gave the assurance that the management of the judiciary is aware of the circumstances and will take all required steps to guarantee the security of the judicial officials and employees when they return to work the following week.

She underlined the necessity of sufficient money to address the security and infrastructure issues facing the judiciary.

Monica Kivuti’s Net Worth, Age, and Personal Life

Information on Monica Kivuti’s age, wealth, and spouse is still unknown. She was well-known for her professionalism and commitment to her work, therefore the nation and the courts both suffered a great loss at her sudden passing.

Who Is Monica Kivuti?

Monica Kivuti, a renowned Kenyan principal magistrate in the Makadara Law Courts, was renowned for her honesty and dedication to the rule of law.

How is Monica Kivuti doing?

Chief Inspector Samson Kipchirchir Kipruto fatally shot Monica Kivuti after he rendered a decision in a case involving Kipruto’s wife.

She passed away in Nairobi Hospital from her wounds.

How come Monica Kivuti was shot?

After remanding Chief Inspector Kipruto’s wife Jennifer Wairimu to Lang’ata Women’s Prison and refusing to grant her bail, Kivuti was shot.

How has the passing of Monica Kivuti been received?

The judiciary is seeking to strengthen security measures for judicial personnel, has started psycho-social therapy for judicial staff, and has paused court activities at Makadara Law Courts.

What were the age and net worth of Monica Kivuti?

Her age and net wealth are not made public knowledge.

In Nairobi court, why was Londiani OCS present? was able to obtain a police record that stated that Kipchirchir had gone to court with his 48-year-old wife, Jenniffer Wairimu, to support her as she appeared to be charged with fraud.

She was charged with using deception to obtain KSh 2.9 million.

The court denied the prayer when his wife begged to be freed on a monetary bond.

Kipchirchir, who appeared to be enraged, shot the magistrate as soon as he entered the courtroom.

The officer was immediately slain by his colleagues after they countered and subdued him.

While the three orderlies and the gravely injured judicial officer were being transported to the hospital, his body was transported to the City Mortuary.

In Conclusion

The loss of Magistrate Monica Kivuti serves as a sobering reminder of the risks that justice officials must take while performing their duties.

Her dedication to justice and untimely death have had a significant influence on the country’s judicial system.

To stop such instances from happening in the future, we must address the security problems inside the legal system while we grieve her loss.

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