Maria Ude Nwachi (Afikpo Chic) Biography
Representative for the Afikpo North East Constituency in Ebonyi State is Maria Ude Nwachi. She is referred to and known as Afikpo Chick in her neighborhood.
She completed her elementary and basic school in Ebonyi State’s Afikpo North Local Government Area. At the age of 18, she left Nigeria for the United States after completing her secondary education. She acquired design and social media management skills while in the US. She returned to her honorable nation in 2000.
Maria Ude Nwachi (Afikpo Chic) Age
Maria Ude Nwachi was born on September 17, 1970, making her 51 years old as of right now.
Maria Ude Nwachi (Afikpo Chic) Networth
Although we currently don’t have any information about Maria Ude Nwachi’s net worth, we promise to keep you informed as soon as we do.
Check Out Her Interview With Punch News Below:
Describe yourself to us.
Maria Ude Nwachi, also referred to as Afikpo Chick—the greatest chick to ever live—is my name. I was born in the Ozizza neighborhood of Ebonyi State’s Afikpo North Local Government Area. At the age of 18, I traveled to the United States from Nigeria. Since I returned to the country in 2000, I’ve been interested in social media-related issues and fashion designing. One of those who began sharing breaking news on Facebook was me. I have started an image-making business where I manage social media accounts for important people in the community, such governors and oil barons.
I also work as a photographer, taking all of my clients’ photos and editing them in a unique way. You won’t think that a photo I edit has been altered.
When did ‘Afikpo Chick’ start to define you?
As soon as I arrived back in Nigeria, people started calling me by that name. I genuinely adore my town. I can’t feel entirely at ease unless I’m in Afikpo. I can be content anywhere I go, but to experience true exhilaration, I need to awaken in my bed and realize that I am in my hometown.
I take all of my clients’ images and edit them in a distinctive way as part of my other job as a photographer. You won’t suspect that the image I edited was changed.
When did being known as “Afikpo Chick” begin to define you?
As soon as I returned to Nigeria, people began referring to me by that name. I really love living here. I need to be at Afikpo in order to feel completely at ease. I may be happy anywhere, but the real thrill comes when I wake up in my bed and remember I’m in my hometown.
What do you mean by giving of oneself?
Since I became a legislator, I have never used my pay for personal expenses. I have been investing all of my resources on my constituency. I have no notion what my pay scale looks like. I even go out of my way to obtain bank financing so that I can grant constituency projects to my neighborhood. I entered politics because I wanted to be a role model for Nigerian women and demonstrate what a true politician looks like.
Is that the reason you joined the PPA then?
I joined the PPA because I needed a political forum to express my ambition and realize my aspirations because the political arena had been closed off. I wasn’t really familiar with the PPA’s supporters. Even though election preparations were well underway when I entered the race, I was certain that I would win regardless of the party I supported. Fortunately, a large majority of my voters chose to elect me. I had no idea why they thought I was deserving of their votes.
Which particular areas have you had a positive influence on your constituents?
I started some projects for the residents of my constituency a week after I was elected by pooling more than N100 million from my personal money.
Funds for constituency projects were later authorized, but we have not yet had access to all of them. I engage in philanthropy on a daily basis, so it is not a huge thing to me. I won’t give unless I have anything to give. In every sense, I am a mother. Before my constituents ever state their needs, I already know what they need.
I gave the construction of the bridge connecting the outlying Mater Hospital with the main town of Afikpo a multimillion-naira contract. Since then, the bridge has been finished. People would frequently drown before my intervention because they fell into a pool of water.
In addition, I spent millions of naira to build a borehole at the Afikpo Divisional Police Headquarters and Area Command Headquarters. I’m currently constructing a contemporary restroom at the Eke Market in Afikpo. These are private endeavors. They have nothing to do with the initiatives of my constituency. Because I have not done enough of what I really need to do, I am not even currently proud of anything. I’m working as hard as I can, though.
Can you evaluate the effectiveness of the current Ebonyi State House of Assembly leadership?
We must recognize that State Houses of Assembly throughout Nigeria are not autonomous. You don’t require an oracle to interpret that for you. So I’ll stop there.
Do you have any plans to leave the opposition party and join the ruling All Progressives Congress?
I don’t see any justification for leaving. What distinguishes my current party from other political ones? I’m not running for re-election to the Assembly House. Because Nigerian political parties lack ideologies, I do not value them in any way. The issue is not with the party; rather, I need to understand why I am switching to a different one. I want to know what my supporters would gain if I left.
How did you become involved in an American program called Talk Radio?
I believe that because of the things I was doing at the time, I got asked to the program. I was so early in using the Internet. When I moved to America in 1989, I was one of the first people to use social media to talk and share photos and opinions.
I loved radio and was active. Talk radio is particularly well-liked in America. More people listen to talk radio personalities than watch movies or listen to music. I thought of one of the Talk Radio producer as a literary god. I frequently appeared as his guest. Every time I went on the show, it was a terrific experience.
The majority of the listeners adored both the show and me. I truly gained a lot of popularity and money from the show.
When you are not involved in legislative activity, how do you relax?
I really adore dancing. I get a lot of pleasure and satisfaction from exercising in this way. Even though I’m not a big football fan, I fund the Maria Youth Club and host a youth soccer event. I’ll fund a football competition for the residents of Ebonyi South by December of this year.
What political action plan do you have next?
My long-term political goal is to advance beyond where I am now. I don’t know where I want to go, but it needs to be better. Just give my people something enjoyable, please.
You appear to adore modest attire.
I adore wearing a wax gown or wrapper with a blouse. Even if I’m meeting the president of the world, I’ll still wear it. Many people believe it to be too straightforward and unreflective of my status, but I always respond that I chose it because it makes me feel good. Given that people are accustomed to it, I don’t see much controversy in it.
Because of your colorful appearance, many think you are misleading them with your modest attire.
(Cut in…) flamboyant way of life? During my time in America, I led a typical American movie star’s life. I purchased and utilized every luxury money could buy because I was an IT gal. When it comes to debauchery, shock, and excessive luxury, I have seen it all. Because of this, I favor extreme minimalism today. Right now, serving others is my main goal in life. I aim to improve society and help others without expecting anything in return. I used to live a flashy lifestyle of consumerism in the US, but I no longer have any interest in it. They have no longer any significance for me.
Why didn’t you sell the Jeep you received from the governor of your state as you had originally planned?
I would never have been able to operate the jeep. I believe selling it would be OK. But when the government told me not to sell it, I had to abide by their orders. All I wanted to do was put the money toward something that would help everyone in Afikpo. There is nothing that the people of Afikpo cannot do for me, and I have always wanted to sacrifice my comfort for theirs. Anything I have to give up to see their faces lit up with joy.