Athoms Mbuma Biography
Athom’s Mbuma Nkanda is a well-known gospel music composer and musician as well as a Congolese Pentecostal evangelist pastor connected to the Assemblies of God.
He attends the Kinshasa church known as the Philadelphie Cité d’exaucement.
Nkanda, who is the tenth child in a family of thirteen, studied music at Kinshasa’s National Institute of Arts (INA) and then at Leadership Academia University, where he studied business management and marketing.
He continued his education by graduating from the Global School of Theology in South Africa with a Master’s in Theology.

Athoms Mbuma Early Life and Education
He wed Nadège Mbuma on November 29, 2008, and the two are blessed with four kids.
Athoms started his pastoral career under the direction of Rolan Dalo, his senior pastor.
In the end, he became the lead pastor of the Kinshasa church Philadelphie Cité defacement in November 2016.
Athoms graduated in August 2020 from a Christian university in the US with his second Master’s degree, this time in Christian counseling.

Athoms Mbuma Career
As a visionary leader, he created the Culte Institute, a facility for capacity building, and co-founded Rhema Worship, a school for worship leaders.
When Athoms joined the Gaël ensemble in 1998, his career as a professional musician got off the ground.
On September 23, 2013, he took over as the Gaël group’s coordinator after Alain Moloto passed away.
He and his wife worked together to make his debut album, “Le Culte,” in 2013, and it had a significant influence on the gospel music landscape.
In addition to his musical career, he established a school and shared pastoral duties with Apostle Roland Dalo, serving as associate pastor to the latter.
He studied a variety of subjects, including religion and music, and he is currently a university lecturer.
Additionally, he is the host of the Teach program, which airs on the Christian channel EMCI TV in French from Monday to Friday.
Athoms and Nadege: a quick synopsis with images and music
We had a great time in worship last month with Athoms and Nadege Mbuma from Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo.
English-language hymns from the American church were performed in the first half of the event, with some French and Lingala translations.
After that, Athoms discussed some ideas on worship from John 4.
The lady Jesus encountered at the well was so taken aback by what she saw in Jesus that she hurried to tell everyone about it, leaving her water jug behind.
To worship Jesus as an expression of amazement at who he is, Athoms urged us to set aside the details of life that take up our minds and to worship him with that same vigor.
A collection of G.A.E.L. tunes featuring Athoms and Nadege comprised the second part of the musical performance.
Athoms informed us that the thrilling song “Anyataka,” which was in the “folkloric” style, was the finale.
Everyone in the room started dancing and bouncing to this tune. I don’t think I’ve ever felt as happy, excited, or danced as I did during the song in our worship, believe it or not.

Latest Single Anthoms Mbuma – “Hide”
As announced on May 1, 2020, by himself, the hit Cache-toi by Pastor Athoms is officially available on all download platforms.
This single by the Congolese singer has already been broadcast, listened to, and re-listened to by music lovers and the public of its composer.
Cantor with Alain Moloto, it is approximately 20 years since Brother Athoms began his ministry in one of the major groups of the Democratic Republic of Congo and Africa: Groupe Adorons l’Eternel Gael Music.
Traveling together with his wife, the two decided to get married at the Centennial Cathedral of Kinshasa on November 29, 2008. They have 4 children.
Born on April 5 of a certain year, Athoms Mbuma Kanda graduated in music at the National Institute of Arts (INA), He completed his bachelor’s studies in Marketing and Business Management at Leadership Academia while combining with his master’s degree in Theology at Global School of Theology in South Africa.
Back in Kinshasa, Pastor Athoms released his first album in May 2013 with his wonderful wife Nadège Impote.
The album will be a success at home and abroad thanks to its clever blends of several styles and above all the profound texts of the hymns, which bless and touch the people of God to this day five years later.
Between tours to promote his album, particularly in Europe, Brother Athoms set up a training school for worship leaders, called “Rhema Worship”.
The goal is to provide theological, musical, technical, and event support. Besides, Athoms also has a capacity-building center “The Worship Institute”, which deals with Music, the School of Ministry as well as leadership.
Pastor Mbuma is also the author of several songs such as “L’Eternel est bon”, performed by Dena Mwana, “Au pieds Maître” with Myka Mukeba, “Alpha-Omega”, Nadège Impote, “Parfum qui chante”… etc.
Since the death of his mentor the late Alain Moloto, Athoms Mbuma is currently the Coordinator of Gaël Ministries and titular Pastor of Phila – Cité defacement in Kinshasa in the DRC, after having evolved with Pastor Roland Dalo.

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