All hail ATBU, The Pride Of The Nation And Nigeria’s Giant University
Congratulations to ATBU Medical College’s Pioneer and First Graduate.
“My ATBU is a shining example of academic excellence among its counterparts across the nation. It is well-known as a renowned university, thanks to its unrivaled skill in engineering and technology. ATBU graduates have constantly demonstrated remarkable abilities, showing confidence and professionalism in whatever professional area they join.”
In its first year of operation, ATBU’s Medical College received numerous awards from our students.
ATBU medical students have proven to be the best in the country, winning every national competition.
- In 2022, they placed first in the Inter-medical Schools Quiz Competition.
- They represented the northeast in the 2022 National Competition, which was held in Lagos state, and finished second overall.
- ATBU ranked top in the Northeast Region for the second consecutive year in 2023.
- ATBU Medical Students got the opportunity to represent the region in the National Intermedical Schools
- Quiz Competition, which was held in Kano, where they were the overall victors, ranking first in the nation.
- In 2023, one of our students represented ATBU in the Inter-Campus Spelling Bee Quiz Competition held in Abuja, where he won first place in the Northeast (Zone E) and advanced to the national finals, where he finished second runner-up.
- The ATBU Medical Student won first place among Northern Medical Colleges in a major National Quiz Competition for the Nigerian Medical Students Association (NIMSA).
- The ATBU Medical Students Association (ATBUMSA) competed in the NIMSA National Quiz Competition, finishing third overall. This is ATBU (The Fountain of Knowledge).