
Kevin David Lehmann Biography, Age, Early Life, Education, Career, Net Worth, Family, Personal Life., Facts, Honors, Social Media, Parent

Kevin David Lehmann Biography

Investor Kevin David Lehmann is from Germany. His most famous connection is that he is the German billionaire Guenther Lehmann’s son, who amassed his wealth through pharmacy investments. When he turned 18 in 2021, he made headlines for the first time after Forbes named him the world’s youngest billionaire.

Kevin David Lehmann

Age: 20

Net worth: $2.3 billion

Source of wealth: Drugstores

Citizenship: Germany

Kevin David Lehmann Biography
Kevin David Lehmann Biography

Nobody had any knowledge of him prior to then. Moreover, very little information about his father was accessible to the public, even though he was a billionaire and had stock in one of the biggest pharmacies in the world.

About Kevin David Lehmann

About Kevin David Lehmann
About Kevin David Lehmann

Kevin David Lehmann owns half of dm (drogerie markt), the top drugstore chain in Germany with annual sales of nearly $14 billion.

Goetz Werner founded the business in 1973 when he set up shop in Karlsruhe, Germany. Currently, dm operates 3,700 sites.

Guenther Lehmann, the father of Kevin David Lehmann and the owner of the Pfannkuch grocery chain at the time, made an investment in dm in 1974.

In 2017, Guenther subtly gave Kevin David ownership of his 50% dm interest.

Kevin David and his father have not participated in direct marketing operations. We don’t know much about them.

What are some interesting facts about Kevin David Lehmann? 
What are some interesting facts about Kevin David Lehmann?

What are some interesting facts about Kevin David Lehmann?

What is the age of Kevin David Lehmann? As of 2022, he is 19 years old. September 2002 saw the birth of the famous child. Here are some further fascinating details about him.

1. He is the youngest billionaire worldwide

What is the occupation of Kevin David Lehmann? He holds half of the top pharmacy chain in Germany. Upon inheriting his father’s stock at the age of 15, the famous child became one of the world’s youngest millionaires. Nevertheless, because he was not yet of legal age to start a business, not many people were aware of him.

By 2020, when he became 18, there was enough information available online about him. His projected net worth of $3.3 billion made him the youngest billionaire in the world according to Forbes in 2021.

Kevin David Lehmann Biography
Kevin David Lehmann Biography

2. Kevin’s father invested in dm-drogerie in 1973

The business that has contributed to Kevin David Lehmann’s $3.3 billion net worth is dm-drogerie. Due to financial constraints faced by the founder, his father Guenther purchased 50% of the company’s shares in 1973. There were then just two locations of the drugstore. Guenther made him a billionaire by never selling his share.

For DM, what does Kevin David Lehmann accomplish? All he is at dm is a stockholder. He is not active in running the business on a daily basis. In the same way, his father has never had an operational role in the company. But it was his astute 1973 investment that turned him into a billionaire.

3. He is the only son in his family

Kevin is the sole child in his family and one of the youngest billionaires in the world. He will therefore be able to enjoy his money and not have any siblings. He has no one with whom to split the fortune.

4. His father owned one of Germany’s leading food stores

Prior to assuming half of DM in 1973, Günther Lehmann, the father of Kevin David Lehmann, oversaw the Pfannkuch family firm. Pfannkuch was a conglomerate of businesses specializing in the retail and food industries. Pfannkuch GmbH & Co. supermarket KG, with more than 200 locations in Karlsruhe, Germany, was its subsidiary.

Through his father, Günther became the company’s owner. In 1933, Gerhard Lehmann, his father, became a manager of the company and bought half of its shares. Günther then assumed control and possessed the majority of the company’s shares in 1960. Eventually, he sold the business to EDKA Group in 1997; this group would go on to become Spar Handelsgesellschaft.

One of the world’s youngest billionaires is Kevin David Lehmann. In 2022, he will be 19 years old, and his projected net worth is $3.3 billion. The personality gained financial success in 2021 when his father gave him ownership of his 50% share in dm, the top drugstore chain in Germany with $12 billion in yearly sales.

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